
Shubbak Festival Returns in 2015


    • A Window on Contemporary Arab Culture


      The Shubbak team is now planning for its third festival of contemporary Arab culture.


      This next festival will be held across London from 11 – 25 July 2015.

      If you are an Arab artist or an organisation that works with Arab artists and would like to suggest a project, please download the details of how to register an expression of interest: (English / Arabic)

      In 2013, the Shubbak festival attracted 55,000 visitors from London and the Arab world. We showcased 52 events and hosted artists from 16 Arab countries. Download our press release (English / Arabic) for more information.

      Artists are at the centre of our festival. Their imaginations open up new ways for us to understand our world.

      Shubbak is the window to these imaginations.