workshop & course

Introduction To Arabic Music – Summer Intensive Course

19 August – 24 August | 6 days | 14 hours
Monday 19 August – Friday 23 August, 18:00 – 20:00
Saturday 24 August 12:00 – 16:00

Introduction to Arabic Music is an intensive course run by Taqasim Music School that will introduce the basics of Arabic music. The objective of this course is to give students a good basic theoretical and practical understanding of Arabic music. Material covered will include a brief history of Arabic music, maqamaat, rhythms and musical forms presented along with a select repertoire of traditional and popular music. These will be analysed and presented in a cultural and historical context.

Students are encouraged to bring along a stringed instrument to play during the course. An Oud is preferable, as it is one of the main Arabic musical instruments used today. To make the best of this course, students are advised to practice regularly. The course will run for 6 consecutive days.

The last day of the course will be dedicated to playing a select number of pieces that have been covered during the course. Student are welcome to bring along their instrument of choice if the wish.

Note: The playing of an instrument is not a requirement to enroll in this course.

Registration: £140 (paid online) Course Book: £5 (paid on the first day of class)

The Arab British Centre
1 Gough Square

Taqasim Music School

workshop & course

Termly Courses January – April 2018

Open Day

When: Saturday, 19th January 2019, 12:00 – 16:00
Where: The Arab British Centre.
This event is free to attend. Click HERE for directions.

Oud Clinic (termly event)

When: Friday, 1st March 2019, 16:30 – 20:30
Where: The Arab British Centre.
This event is free to attend. Click HERE for directions.

Teachers will be available to re-string and examine your oud, and carry out basic repairs.


We also offer private one-to-one oud lessons. If interested, please contact us at for further details and arrangements.


Arabic Music Theory I

This course is highly recommended for students who want to take oud lessons for the first time but haven’t seriously studied music before.

Learning a new instrument is challenging enough as it is: new ideas, new techniques, new pieces of music and lots and lots of practice! So, let’s make things a little easier. In this short series of classes, consisting of 5 lessons, you will learn all the basic skills you need to read, write and “talk” music. Taking a practical approach to music theory, wewill be adapting the best bits from Western classical music theory and Arab classical music theory to give you all the tools you need to start your new life as a musician.

Topics for the course will include:

  • Reading and writing rhythms
  • Reading and writing melodies
  • Understanding music theory basics
  • Recognizing maqamaat in notation
  • Understanding the signs and symbols in a musical score

NOTE: We highly encourage students interested in this course to also sign up for the Oud Beginners course running straight after it on Saturdays from 12:00 – 14:00

Registration: £120 (paid online)
Course Book: Buy online herePlease allow 1 – 2 weeks for book shipment

Sign-up Here

26 January – 23 February | 5 weeks | 10 hours
Saturdays, 10:00-12:00
26 January | 2, 9, 16, 23 February Course Fee: £120

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Oud Beginners

The objective of the beginner course is to acquire the fundamental techniques needed to play the oud and understand the characteristics of the Maqam Music System while studying the eight fundamental maqamaat together with traditional and popular repertoire.

No previous music knowledge is required to attend this course, as most music is notated as tablature – a visual representation which does not require an understanding of music notation. However, we highly encourage beginners to sign up for our Arabic Music Theory I.

This course is 10 lessons long. Each lesson runs for 2 hours. The for a maximum capacity is 7 students. Lessons are taught on a weekly basis.

It is recommended that students spend time practicing material learned in between lessons.

Students must have their own instrument.
Teachers are available to assist in finding an Oud and to assess instruments.

Registration: £215 (paid online)
Course Book: Buy online herePlease allow 1 – 2 weeks for book shipment

Sign-up Here

26 January – 6 April | 10 weeks | 20 hours
Saturdays, 12:00-14:00
26 January | 2, 9, 16, 23 February | (2 March Break) 9, 16, 23, 30 March | 6 April
Course Fee: £215


Oud Upper Beginners    

The Taqasim Music School offers a more advanced set of courses for groups of students who are interested in further improving their Oud playing skills.

To enroll for this course students need:

  • To have completed the Oud Beginner Course


  • Be assessed by a teacher. To arrange for an assessment please email:
  • To have their own instrument. Teachers are available to assist in finding an Oud and to assess

This course is 10 lessons long. Each lesson runs for 2 hours. The for a maximum capacity is 7 students. Lessons are taught on a weekly basis. It is recommended that students spend time practicing material learned in between lessons.

The maqamaat that will be further analyzed and transposed from different keys during this course through the study of traditional songs and piece are: Nahawand, Ajam, Kurd, Hijaz, Bayat, Rast, Saba and Segah.

Registration: £215 (paid online)
Course Book: Buy online herePlease allow 1 – 2 weeks for book shipment

Sign-up Here

26 January – 6 April | 10 weeks | 20 hours
Saturdays, 16:30-18:30
26 January | 2, 9, 16, 23 February | (2 March Break) 9, 16, 23, 30 March | 6 AprilCourse Fee: £215

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Oud Intermediate 

We offer a more advanced set of courses for groups of students who are interested in improving their Oud playing skills further.

In order to enroll for the Intermediate course, it is required to have attended an Oud Upper Beginner course, and have your own instrument. The teachers are available to assist in finding an Oud and in assessing instruments.

Students with existing knowledge may apply but will need to be assessed by a teacher: please contact: The level is more advanced than Lower Intermediate, so students need to allocate time for daily practice and study in order to see an improvement in their playing technique. The Oud Intermediate Level 1 course is made up of 10 lessons of 2 hours each, for a maximum group of 7 students. Lessons are taught on a weekly basis. It is recommended that students spend time practicing material learned in between lessons.

During the course, a selection of Maqams (Ajam, Hijaz, Hijaz Kar, Rast, Suzak) will be analyzed in detail while studying traditional repertoire to highlight the characteristics of each Maqam, accompanied by technical studies on right-hand techniques, left-hand positions, and 2-octave scales.

Registration: £215 (paid online)
Course Book: Buy online herePlease allow 1 – 2 weeks for book shipment

Sign-up Here

26 January – 6 April | 10 weeks | 20 hours
Saturdays, 18:30-20:30
26 January | 2, 9, 16, 23 February | (2 March Break) 9, 16, 23, 30 March | 6 AprilCourse Fee: £215

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Oud Upper Intermediate 

New maqamaatthat will be covered in this course include: Nahawand, Kurd, Lami, Bayat and Maqam Bayat Shor. You will also learn new techniques using the second octave and some ornamentation.

This course is designed for students who are interested in improving their Oud ornamentation techniques and to extend their knowledge of the maqam system.

In order to enroll for the Upper Intermediate course, it is required to have attended an Oud Intermediate course or to be comfortable with previously covered material and have your own instrument. 
Students with existing knowledge may apply but must be assessed by a teacher.
Please contact: school@taqasim.netfor an assessment.

Students need to allocate time for daily practice and study. This course consists of 10 lessons of 2 hours each. The maximum number of students is 7. Lessons are taught on a weekly basis.

Registration: £215 (paid online)
Course Book: Buy online herePlease allow 1 – 2 weeks for book shipment

Sign-up Here

25 January – 5 April | 10 weeks | 20 hours
Fridays, 19:00-21:00
25 January | 1, 8, 15, 22 February | (1 March break) 8, 15, 22, 29 March | 5 April
Course Fee: £215

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Darbuka Beginner

The darbuka (also darbuka, doumbec, tabla and goblet drum) is a drum with an ancient history and is widely used in the music of the Middle East and neighboring areas. It is played with the hands and has a single “head”. Originally, it was made of baked clay and an animal-skin head. Modern versions are usually made of a light metal such as aluminum and have a plastic “head”.

This course will cover basic techniques such as the correct way to hold the darbuka, how to produce the correct tones (such as “dum” and “tak”) and the correct right and left-hand strokes. Students will learn a variety of popular rhythms such as WahdaMaqsumAyyub, Malfouf and Thurayya.

At the end of the course, students will have the option of progressing to the Darbuka Intermediate course.

Note: Students will need their own darbuka as they will need to practice between lessons.

Registration: £215 (paid online)
Course Book: Buy online herePlease allow 1 – 2 weeks for book shipment

Sign-up Here

27 January – 7 April | 10 weeks | 20 hours
Sundays, 12:00-14:00
27 January | 3, 10, 17, 24 February | (3 March Break) 10, 17, 24, 31 March | 7 April
Course Fee: £215

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Darbuka Intermediate

This course will focus on new complex rhythms which will be learned and executed by combining the rhythms covered in the beginner course. Such rhythms will include 5/4, 7/4 and 9/4 timing.
Various ornamentations will be added to known rhythms by filling in the silent beats and controlling the speeds at which rhythms are played.

Also, new techniques will be taught such as the mahbous using both the right and left hand. An alternate combination of techniques will be applied to rhythms in order to develop students’ ornamentation skills.

The course will also focus on improving the quality of sound students produce from their Darbuka. An emphasis will be placed on developing sound the quality of the techniques learned such as the dum, tek and shek.

Note: Students must have their own darbuka to practice between lessons.

Registration: £215 (paid online)
Course Book: Buy online herePlease allow 1 – 2 weeks for book shipment

Sign-up Here

25 January – 5 April | 10 weeks | 20 hours
Fridays 17:00 – 19:00
25 January | 1, 8, 15, 22 February | (a March Break) 8, 15, 22, 29 March | 5 April
Course Fee: £215

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Oud Ensemble 1 with Master Ahmed Mukhtar

[Ensemble:  A group of musicians who perform together.]

The objective of the Oud Ensemble Course is to provide students with the opportunity to further progress their performance skills in a group setting. Each class will focus on a single Maqam and its corresponding repertoire with the goal of further developing students’ ornamentation skills such as tremolos, trills and the use of qarar and jawab within each song or piece.

Through this course, students will have the chance to progress their skills collaboratively while performing as a collective ensemble as well as playing solo. A selection of traditional songs and pieces will be analysed in detail, adding various ornamentations and dynamics. Maqams that will be explored in detail include: Ajam, Nahawand, Rast and Bayat.

The course consists of 5 lessons, 4 hours each for a maximum group of 10 students.
Lessons are taught on a monthly basis. All course materials are provided in print.

This Course is open to Taqasim students who have successfully completed the Intermediate and Upper Intermediate courses.

Registration: £270 (paid online)
Course Book: Buy online herePlease allow 1 – 2 weeks for book shipment

Sign-up Here

27 January – 7 April | every other week | 18 hours
Sundays, 14:00-17:00
27 January | 10, 24, February | (3 March Break) 10, 24 March | 7 AprilCourse Fee: £270

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workshop & course

Arabic Language Courses

Arab British Centre Arabic language classes are taught by Ibrahim Othman who has several years’ experience of teaching Arabic at a variety of levels, both in his native Syria and in the UK.

Each course costs £150 and your place will be confirmed once payment is complete. Scroll down for the descriptions and contents of the courses.

Courses will be from 18 Jun 2018 to 17 Jul 2018

To learn about the courses, please click here


المركز العربي البريطاني يقدم دورات لتعلم اللغة العربية لجميع المراحل، الابتدائية، والمرحلة المتوسطة والمتقدمة

لمعرفة المزيد من التفاصيل اضغط هنا

workshop & course

Fatimid Kufic Script with Dr Nassar Mansour


Start Date.


End Date.



10:30- 17:30



The Prince’s Foundation School of Traditional Arts 19-22 Charlotte Rd, London EC2A 3SG



Dr Nassar Mansour



Kufic named after the city of Kufa in southern Iraq. Kufic and its variants were used almost exclusively among early scripts for writing the Qur’an. This angular script used widely for writing religious and formal texts on different surfaces such as: paper, wood, stone, ceramic and textiles. Arabic calligraphy through the use of ornamental Kufic, became one of the most important design theme is Islamic Art, a great tradition which survives to this day.

The course will introduces students to Arabic Fatimid Kufic Script with a historical development of the style on both manuscripts and buildings. Students at the beginning of the course will learn the basic methods that important/essential for writing Kufic letters. The course concludes with each participant making a final piece in Kufic of his own design.

Who is this course for?

The tutor recommends you have at least a basic knowledge of the Arabic alphabet for this course.

If you need a reference, Wikipedia has a good page on the subject:

For a more in-depth reference, try The Arabic Alphabet: How to Read & Write It by Nicholas Awde and Samano Putros.

What should I bring?

All materials will be provided in class.

What days do I attend?

Monday – Friday

This new course is made possible by the generous support of The Bagri Foundation.



Book now

workshop & course

دورة تدريبية لغناء التراث العربي في مجموعة كورالية

يعلن المعهد العالي للموسيقى العربية عن بدء دورة تدريبية بإشراف المايستروعلاء مجيد لتدريب الاشخاص الراغبين في تعلم الغناء العربي التراثي بهدف تشكيل فرقة كورالية لإحياء التراث العربي الغنائي في لندن

الدورة التدريبية ستكون في كل سبت من الساعة الرابعة الى السابعة مساء في العنوان المذكور اعلاه وبرسم قدره خمسة باوندات للحصة يدفعها المتدرب كل يوم سبت وستستمر الدورة الى ان يتم تشكيل فرقة كورالية لإحياء التراث العربي الغنائي وهذه الفرقة ستقدم أعمالها على مسارح لندن المختلفة

المايسترو علاء مجيد هو قائد الفرقة ومن سيتولى عملية التدريب والذي سبق له تشكيل فرقة مماثلة في السويد اسمها فرقة ” طيور دجلة ” ولكن التركيز فيها كان على الغناء العراقي التراثي والفرقة كانت نسائية أما مشروع لندن فستكون الفرقة من كلا الجنسين وتشمل التراث العربي الغنائي وليس العراقي فقط، واليكم هذا الفديو الذي يعطيكم فكرة عن المايسترو علاء مجيد وفرقة طيور دجلة التي أسسها في السويد

لايشترط في المتقدم للدورة أن يجيد الغناء أو أن يكون صوته جميلاً لأن الغناء سيكون جماعيا وكل ماهو مطلوب هو الرغبة في تعلم الغناء العربي التراثي. نتمنى لكم رحلة جميلة مع هذه التجربة الفريدة من نوعها

نشوان – منسق الحدث 07782414389 

للتفاصيل انقر هنا

workshop & course

History of Carpets from the Islamic World with Roberta Marin

The Arab British Centre is delighted to present a new course

‘History of Carpets from the Islamic World’

with Roberta Marin

May – June 2017

This course will be fully dedicated to the history of carpet production in the Islamic world. Through the analysis of the most iconic carpets, held in famous museums and collections in Europe and abroad, you will become familiar with threads, materials, patterns and trends as well as with patrons and places of manufacture. The history of carpets’ trade from the Islamic world to Europe, mainly Italy, and an excursus in the history of carpets’ representation on the paintings of the most celebrated Renaissance artists will complete the course.

4 May – 8 June 2017 | 6 weeks | 12 hours

Thursdays, 18:00 – 20:00

May: 4, 11, 18, 25 | June: 1, 8

Course Fee: £185

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Class 1: Origins and Seljuk carpets

Class 2: Central Asian carpets

Class 3: Mamluk carpets and the trade with Europe

Class 4: Persian carpets and the revolution in designs

Class 5: Ottoman carpets and their representation in Renaissance painting


Below you can read about how Roberta Marin became interested in Islamic Art and Architecture and how her career developed from there.

After my BA, I had the opportunity to travel extensively in the Middle East and I became fascinated by the rich culture of the countries I visited. I enjoyed losing myself in the souks, wandering inside the major mosques and madrasas in Cairo, Istanbul, Marrakesh and absorbing a new vocabulary of patterns and motifs. I was inspired to do an MA in Art and Archaeology with a focus on Islamic Art and Architecture at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS). It was an exciting year! I met excellent lecturers who were a source of inspiration and thanks to a scholarship by Ralph Pinder-Wilson, I had the financial support to do fieldwork for my MA thesis in Cairo. Following my MA, I worked at the Asian Department of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, collaborated with the Khalili Collection of Islamic Art, and I  taught at various public institutions, such as the Birkbeck College, the London College of Communication, SOAS, Asia House and the University of York. The interest I developed in Islamic art and architecture during my travels and the year as MA student at SOAS have changed my life and I have to admit that they have been the best things that could have ever happened to me!



May 4
June 8
Event Categories:


The Arab British Centre
United Kingdom


The Arab British Centre


workshop & course

Open Call! 2017 Exhibition

Reconnecting Arts is pleased to announce its 2017 exhibition that invites artists to respond to the theme Transition.


Definition: Transition is the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another.

The Arab world has seen a transition both collectively and individually. Transitioning from one state or condition to another is inevitable in life. The concept of transition or change is one that has intrigued artists for centuries, from writing in one’s diary about their experiences, to singing about that one heart break, to photographing the change in the city, or recording the sounds of a distant memory. From painting the ever changing facial expressions to flicking through the pages of a transitioning sketchbook, to filming a story about the future or creating a sculpture from found items on their journey of being displaced.

Geographically, personally or artistically, we want to see, hear or feel the way in which you have transitioned through your creativity.

The exhibitions aim is to engage in dialogue about how artists from the Arab world are individuals transitioning through life. We see the Arab world being exposed to different cultures, the rise of third culture kids or the merge of mixed backgrounds is becoming more common, we see more young people having political opinions, the social rise on social media is widespread and the balancing of both West and East is on a scale that continually drops or heightens. Where usually one person is often a spokesperson for the entire community rather than as their individual self, we aim to shift away from that notion and encourage growth of the individual, to explore the complexities of an identity and the ever transitioning stages we each go through.

This text is just an outline to inspire, feel free to respond to the theme ‘Transition’ in anyway you like.


15TH MARCH 2017


Paintings, Graphic Design, Doodles, Sketchbooks, Photography, Illustrations, Film, Sound, Performance, Sculpture, Zines, Poetry, Short stories/essays, and anything else creative is accepted.

  • We accept previously published/exhibited work.
  • We are particularly looking for UK based artists.
  • We are particularly looking for sketchbooks and zines.
  • We may accept non-Arab artists if your work is MENA based.



Please send us your project / piece of art work that relates to the theme Transition.


  • Subject Line: “Exhibition _ (Your name).”
  • What the submission is for: Exhibition OR Website
  • Full Name
  • Website Link
  • About your self
  • About your project in detail, (idea, message, inspiration?)
  • Attach images in the email / dropbox only!

  • Please send all submissions in one email, do not send multiple emails.
  • We are open to ideas / concepts being sent to us, but the work must be finished before June.
  • All works needs to be in high quality 300dpi or scanned at 300dpi quality.
  • Videos/Films need a link to Youtube or Vimeo.


If you are chosen, your work will be exhibited in London, performance artist/musician will be flown out to perform, additionally a publication will be produced that will promote you and your work.

Please ensure that if you are chosen, your work will be available for exhibition and prepared and packaged accordingly. All your work will be returned the following week of the exhibition. Please only apply if you are prepared to ship your work.


Do not send questions to the above email as they will not be answered. Any important enquiries to

We look forward to reviewing your work and hopefully giving you all an opportunity for an exhibition!


  • If you are interested in getting your work featured on the website, please specify in the subject line. Example subject Line: “WEBSITE _ (NAME).” Do not just send us a submission without specifying exactly what the submission is for.
  • We accept: Interviews, Short stories, short essays, reviews, exhibition images, photography, video, sketches, digital art, and anything else creative for the website.
workshop & course

Creative Calligraphy Course with Joumana Medlej

We are thrilled to announce our Creative Calligraphy Course with Lebanese Artist Joumana Medlej starting in September 2016!

7 September –  12 October 2016

September: 7, 14, 21, 28 | October: 5, 12

Wednesdays 18:00 – 20:00

Final Project Sunday 16,  14:00 – 18:00

6 Weeks + 4 hours final project – 16 Hours

Course Fee – £205


Course description:

In this non-traditional calligraphy course, we will not use reed pens and repetitive copying. Instead, we will return to the original source of Arabic calligraphy, the Kufi family of styles, and study it with a modern design approach. Kufi was the first Arabic script to be consciously made beautiful, an unlike the later round scripts with their strict rules, it can be constantly reinvented and is not tied to any given tool or medium. Students, then, can benefit from the same creative freedom that the earliest calligraphers enjoyed, and find their own approach to the art of Arabic calligraphy.
We will learn the essence of the letters and how it expresses itself in different styles; spacing, proportions and the uniquely Arabic concept of kashida; compositional approaches including the highly specialized Square Kufic. Each of these design notions will be accompanied by a practical exercise to anchor the theory and allow students to learn from each other. The course will culminate in a final project where the student chooses a word or phrase and creates their own composition for it. Examples of final projects are shown below.


About Joumana Medlej:

Joumana was born and raised in Beirut, Lebanon. A graphic designer by training, she learned the essence of the Kufi script from master calligrapher Samir Sayegh, through years of close collaboration. She learned to breathe new life into a traditional art, not merely copying or reviving its old forms but finding a contemporary language for it. She is especially interested in the unique relationship between Kufi and geometry, both sacred arts. She now lives in London where her study of these fields is ongoing.
See more at

For general and specific FAQs, please see here



September 7
October 12
Event Categories:

workshop & course

Introduction to Arabic Music – أساسيات في الموسيقى العربية


المركز العربي البريطاني يعلن عن دورة تدريب أساسيات الموسيقى العربية خلال فترة الصيف بالتعاون مع مدرسة تقسيم للموسيقى ومع سيد العود أحمد مختار ابتداءً من 25 يوليو وإلى 29 يوليو لعام 2016

من الساعة 6 مساءً وحتى 8 مساءً

بتكلفة 120 £ فقط

بإمكان الجميع التسجيل في هذه الدورة لإن الدورة لاتتطلب مرجعية مسبقة في الموسيقى



Arab British Centre are happy to announce our Introduction to Arabic Music Summer Course with Director of Taqasim Music School  and Oud Master Ahmed Mukhtar starting in July

25 July – 29 July 2016

18:00 – 20:00

10 hours + Performance 30 July, 14:00 – 17:00

Course Cost: £120

Everybody can apply! No music background needed. 

This intensive course will introduce Arabic music in general in 5 daily lessons of 2 hours, followed by a final performance on Saturday. Students will learn some of the main Arabic Maqams, rhythms and musical forms, accompanied with historical and cultural information.

This course will give students a good understanding of Arabic music so they will be able to play it with ease. Students can bring any stringed instruments but the Oud is preferable as it is the main and essential instrument in Arabic music.

To make the best of this course, students are advised to practice regularly after each lesson.

About the teacher: Ahmed Mukhtar
Master and Solo Oud, Composer, Teacher and Middle-Eastern Music Consultant. He has released 5 albums, participated in more than 20 international festivals and performed more than 300 concerts all over the world. Studied in Iraq (Diploma in Oud Solo), Syria (License in Oud and Arabic music) and London where he was granted his MMus Master in Middle Eastern Music Performance by SOAS.

For more information, or to book a place please contact the Arab British Centre on 0207 832 1310 or or email Ahmed Mukhtar on



July 25 @ 6:00 pm
July 30 @ 5:00 pm
Event Categories:

workshop & course

Arabic Courses March – April 2016

Arab British Centre are delighted to offer Arabic Language Courses for March – April 2016!
14 March – 19 April

Level 1 Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and Levantine Spoken Arabic Level 1

 5 week courses| 10 hours

The Arabic language classes are taught by Ibrahim Othman who has several years’ experience of teaching Arabic at a variety of levels, both in his native Syria and in the UK.

If you have any questions about which level is most suitable for you feel free to drop us a line

Please also note that we have a list of FAQs which can be found here.

Below is the list of courses being offered between March – April 2016. Scroll down for further details on each course.

Level 1 MSA Lunchtime Course

13:00 – 14:00

Mondays and Tuesdays

14 March – 19 April| 5 week course| 10 hours

March: 14, 15, 21, 22 | April: 4, 5, 511, 12, 18, 19

Course Fee: £140

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 Levantine Spoken Arabic Level 1

18:00 – 20:00


14 March – 18 April| 5 week course| 10 hours

March: 14, 21 | April:  4, 11, 18

Course Fee: £140

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Level 1 MSA

This course is designed to give absolute beginners in Arabic a basic competence in reading, listening, speaking and writing skills in a dynamic and communicative way, to converse in basic everyday situations in Arabic and also to introduce the written form of the language.


  • Your family, work, describing people and objects
  • Places and countries
  • Nationalities
  • Basic grammar, nouns, verbs, word order and numbers, starting to build up confidence in speaking Arabic
  • Background to Arab culture

Course entry and do I need any particular skills (who is it for)?

Suitable for complete beginners, also suitable for students who have attended a previous course in Arabic or have a basic knowledge of the language but who would like to start again from the beginning.

Levantine Spoken Arabic Level 1 (Dialect)

This is a Levantine Spoken Arabic course. The course is tailored to focus on speaking Arabic and it follows a communicative approach to language teaching.

Course entry and do I need any particular skills (who is it for)?

This course is aimed at students who have studied or know a little bit of Levantine Arabic (colloquial Syrian, Lebanese, Jordanian, Palestinian Arabic) and is suitable for those who are absolute beginners too.


  • Presentations, Introducing yourself, country of origin, etc
  • Daily conversations
  • Taking a taxi
  • Checking in a hotel
  • Eating out
  • Shopping
  • Asking for directions
  • Asking for help

Grammar: Subject pronouns, possessive pronouns, nouns (masculine, feminine) adjectives, past and present tense.

How will I be taught?

The course will be taught using English transliteration with an introduction to the Arabic writing system (Arabic alphabet) and you will be able to read short sentences and road signs.

The teacher will provide all the materials for the course. He will use “Ahla wa sahla” a functional course in spoken Arabic.



14/03/2016 1:00 pm
19/04/2016 8:00 pm
Event Categories: