
Arabic Language Courses January – March 2015



The Arab British Centre Presents Arabic Language Courses for 2015!

Our Arabic language classes are taught by Ibrahim Othman who has several years’ experience of teaching Arabic at a variety of levels, both in his native Syria and in the UK.

If you have any questions about which level is most suitable for you, or would like to sign up, feel free to drop us a line at

When calling or emailing us about these courses, please make sure to indicate which dates/times you wish to join (if applicable).

Our courses all cost £125 each. Your place on the course will only be confirmed on receipt of the course fee in full.

Please also note that we have a list of FAQs which can be found here.

Below is the list of courses being offered between January – March 2015.

Scroll down for further details on each course.


12 January – 10 February | 5 week courses | 10 hours

Level 1 MSA
Mondays & Tuesdays
12 January – 10 February, 5 weeks, 10 hours
Course Fee: £125

12 January – 9 February, 5 weeks, 10 hours
Course Fee: £125

Level 2 MSA
13 January – 10 February, 5 weeks, 10 hours
Course Fee: £125

16 February – 17 March | 5 week courses | 10 hours

Level 2 MSA
Mondays & Tuesdays
16 February – 17 March, 5 weeks, 10 hours
Course Fee: £125

Level 2 MSA
16 February – 16 March, 5 weeks, 10 hours
Course Fee: £125

Level 2 Conversational Arabic
17 February – 17 March, 5 weeks, 10 hours
Course Fee: £125



Level 1 MSA

This course is designed to give absolute beginners in Arabic a basic competence in reading, listening, speaking and writing skills in a dynamic and communicative way, to converse in basic everyday situations in Arabic and also to introduce the written form of the language.


  • Your family, work, describing people and objects
  • Places and countries
  • Nationalities
  • Basic grammar, nouns, verbs, word order and numbers, starting to build up confidence in speaking Arabic
  • Background to Arab culture

Course entry and do I need any particular skills (who is it for)?

Suitable for complete beginners, also suitable for students who have attended a previous course in Arabic or have a basic knowledge of the language but who would like to start again from the beginning.



Level 2 MSA

The course is a progression from our Level 1 MSA course, designed for those with some previous experience of Arabic, who can recognise the Arabic alphabet and engage in basic conversation, but who lack a basic understanding of the grammar system. The course will consolidate the basics and cover descriptions, countries and people, nationalities, shopping, and using cultural expressions in a variety of contexts.


  • The past tense and present tenses in Arabic (regular and weak verbs)
  • Possessives, comparison, numbers with counted noun
  • Family, relations and friends
  • Preferences/likes/dislikes and hobbies
  • Expand knowledge of Arabic vocabulary
  • Arabic texts containing high frequency lexis and basic structures
  • Write a short personal text or letter about familiar subjects

Course entry and do I need any particular skills (who is it for)?

This course is suitable to those who have finished our level 1 MSA course, but it’s also suitable for students who have attended a previous course in Arabic and are able to read and write basic Arabic sentences.

How will I be taught?

The course is based on the communicative approach:

  • Active students’ interaction
  • Emphasis on speaking and listening skills
  • Paired and group work
  • Role playing
  • Use of pictures and authentic material
  • Use of audio-visual techniques when appropriate



Level 2 Conversational Arabic

This course is designed to support our Level 2 MSA learners who wish to move quickly through the fundamentals of Arabic grammar while developing some basic communicative skills in Modern Standard Arabic. This will enable students to communicate effectively in Arabic with a wide range of everyday situations in an Arab country. The course puts emphasis on the learner’s ability to listen and speak.


  • Introducing yourself, country, family and work
  • Preferences/likes/dislikes and topics including hobbies
  • Talk about your past week and next week’s plans
  • Short presentation on a specialist subject e.g. a trip to Damascus
  • Write a short text on a topic
  • Understand basic conversations
  • Understand the gist of more complex conversations dealing with familiar topics

Course entry and do I need any particular skills (who is it for)?

This course is suitable to those who have finished our level 1 MSA course, but it’s also suitable for students who have attended a previous course in Arabic and are able to read and write basic Arabic sentences.




12/01/2015 1:00 pm
17/03/2015 8:00 pm
Event Categories:


Arab British Centre



Oud Courses With Taqasim Music School

Taqasim Music School launched in March 2011 with the objective of providing education on Middle Eastern music culture.

Under the direction of Iraqi Oud Master Ahmed Mukhtar, both theory and instrumental courses are taught by professional musicians on a regular basis. The aim is to provide affordable access to the music heritage of the Middle-East and promoting dialogue between music cultures.

Taqasim Music School represents a unique resource for organisations and individuals interested in researching the music cultures of the Middle-East.


Oud Beginners Course
Saturdays, 12:30 – 14:30
10th January – 14th March 2015

Oud Beginners Course
Saturdays, 14:45 – 16:45
10th January – 14th March 2015

The Oud is a short-necked fretless lute, the most important and wide-spread instrument in Middle-Eastern music.

The objective of the beginners course is to acquire the fundamental techniques needed to play the Oud and understand the characteristics of the Maqam music system, studying the eight fundamentalMaqams together with traditional and popular repertoire.

No previous music knowledge is required to attend this course, as most music is notated as tablature, a visual representation which does not require understanding of music notation.

The course is made up of 10 lessons of 2 hours each, for a maximum group of 7 students.

Lessons are taught on a weekly basis and it is recommended that students spend time practising in between lessons. All course materials are provided in printed and digital format.

Students need to have their own instrument, and the teachers are available to assist in finding an Oud and in assessing instruments.


Please note that the Intermediate Course is now Fully Booked. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.


For more information, or to book a place please contact us on 0207 832 1310 or

For FAQs on the music classes, please click here

For general FAQs on our courses, please click here



Introduction to Materials and Geometry

Introduction to Materials and Geometry


Course Dates:

Wednesdays 18:00 – 20:00

14 January – 4 February

4 weeks, 8 hours

Course Cost: £95


Course Description:

This short course is a practical introduction to art materials and the basics of geometry. Students with no artistic background will get grounding in basic tools and accessible materials. This will be done in the framework of learning Geometry, which is relevant both to Kufi calligraphy and as an art form in its own right. The aim is not to go in-depth with the materials but to provide a starting base that is enough for students to work with, and to identify their preferred medium.

Sessions are entirely hands-on. In each session, students will begin with geometry, learning to construct up to 12-sided figures using a ruler and compass. They will then learn about materials by working with them directly on what they have just drawn. They will start with modern materials, which are widely available and easy to use, and end by sampling traditional materials such as paper staining, gold leaf, and egg tempera.

Introduction to Materials is designed to complement the Creative Calligraphy course, but is separate and optional. It is useful to take it first, but can equally be taken on its own if you have previously attended a course with Joumana. No previous art skills are required.

Paper and certain specialized materials will be provided in the course. For the rest, a list of what is needed (and recommended shops) will be provided upon signing up, so students can choose their own brands and colours.

Joumana Medlej

Joumana was born and raised in Beirut, Lebanon. A graphic designer by training, she learned the essence of Kufi script, the oldest form of Arabic, from master calligrapher Samir Sayegh, through years of close collaboration. She learned to breathe new life into a traditional art, not merely copying or reviving its old forms but finding a contemporary language for it. She is especially interested in the unique relationship between Kufi and geometry, both sacred arts. She now lives in London where her study of these fields is ongoing.

See more at

To register for the class, please email or call on 020 7832 1310

For general and specific FAQs, please see here.

We are also running the full Creative Calligraphy class from 1 April – 6 May, just click here for more information and to sign up.


Creative Calligraphy

Wednesdays, 18:00 – 20:00

1 April – 6 May

Final Project Sunday 10 May 14:00 – 18:00

6 Weeks + 4 hours final project – 16 Hours

Course Fee – £190


Course Description:

Kufi was the first Arabic script to be consciously made beautiful. Unlike later scripts characterized by strict formal rules, it lends itself to being constantly reinvented, so that it thrives on the same creative freedom that animated the first calligraphers. Joumana Medlej learned to work with Kufi through years of apprenticeship with renowned Lebanese calligrapher Samir Sayegh, and has put together an original course to transmit this material. The aim of the course in returning to Kufi is to guide students towards finding their own approach to the art of Arabic calligraphy.

Each session consists of both a theoretical and practical component: Joumana begins each class with a study of individual letters (their form and symbolism) and of notions of design relevant to the script. The practical component is a creative exercise that allows students to both learn and feel their way into the essence of the script. The last session of the course is dedicated to creating a final, personal project and to this end will take place on a Sunday afternoon so there is ample time to complete it.

All materials for the course are provided, including basic materials for the final project, which students can choose to supplement with their own. Knowledge of Arabic is not required. As the script is mostly constructed, not freehand, drawing skills are not essential.

Theoretical Component:

With the aid of charts provided by Joumana, the Letter Study takes a closer look at each letterform of the Arabic script and how it can be changed without being lost. The symbolism and folklore surrounding each letter are also introduced where applicable.

The Notions of Design teach students how to deconstruct, manipulate and reconstruct the letters. Students will cover proportions, connections, kashida (expansion), traditional use of symmetry, square Kufi, ornamentation, and how to design one’s own script.


Practical Component:

The Creative Exercise requires the students to practice hands-on the design notions of the day. At the end of the class, this work is put up for display and discussion so that students can learn from each other and from the diversity of the result.

Joumana Medlej

Joumana was born and raised in Beirut, Lebanon. A graphic designer by training, she learned the essence of Kufi script, the oldest form of Arabic, from master calligrapher Samir Sayegh, through years of close collaboration. She learned to breathe new life into a traditional art, not merely copying or reviving its old forms but finding a contemporary language for it. She is especially interested in the unique relationship between Kufi and geometry, both sacred arts. She now lives in London where her study of these fields is ongoing.

See more at

To register for the class, please email or call on 020 7832 1310

For general and specific FAQs, please see here.

We are also running an Introduction to Materials and Geometry course for 4 weeks from 14 January – 4 February, just click here for more information and to sign up.