workshop & course

Arabic Courses March – April 2016

Arab British Centre are delighted to offer Arabic Language Courses for March – April 2016!
14 March – 19 April

Level 1 Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and Levantine Spoken Arabic Level 1

 5 week courses| 10 hours

The Arabic language classes are taught by Ibrahim Othman who has several years’ experience of teaching Arabic at a variety of levels, both in his native Syria and in the UK.

If you have any questions about which level is most suitable for you feel free to drop us a line

Please also note that we have a list of FAQs which can be found here.

Below is the list of courses being offered between March – April 2016. Scroll down for further details on each course.

Level 1 MSA Lunchtime Course

13:00 – 14:00

Mondays and Tuesdays

14 March – 19 April| 5 week course| 10 hours

March: 14, 15, 21, 22 | April: 4, 5, 511, 12, 18, 19

Course Fee: £140

Buy Now Button with Credit Cards


 Levantine Spoken Arabic Level 1

18:00 – 20:00


14 March – 18 April| 5 week course| 10 hours

March: 14, 21 | April:  4, 11, 18

Course Fee: £140

Buy Now Button with Credit Cards


Level 1 MSA

This course is designed to give absolute beginners in Arabic a basic competence in reading, listening, speaking and writing skills in a dynamic and communicative way, to converse in basic everyday situations in Arabic and also to introduce the written form of the language.


  • Your family, work, describing people and objects
  • Places and countries
  • Nationalities
  • Basic grammar, nouns, verbs, word order and numbers, starting to build up confidence in speaking Arabic
  • Background to Arab culture

Course entry and do I need any particular skills (who is it for)?

Suitable for complete beginners, also suitable for students who have attended a previous course in Arabic or have a basic knowledge of the language but who would like to start again from the beginning.

Levantine Spoken Arabic Level 1 (Dialect)

This is a Levantine Spoken Arabic course. The course is tailored to focus on speaking Arabic and it follows a communicative approach to language teaching.

Course entry and do I need any particular skills (who is it for)?

This course is aimed at students who have studied or know a little bit of Levantine Arabic (colloquial Syrian, Lebanese, Jordanian, Palestinian Arabic) and is suitable for those who are absolute beginners too.


  • Presentations, Introducing yourself, country of origin, etc
  • Daily conversations
  • Taking a taxi
  • Checking in a hotel
  • Eating out
  • Shopping
  • Asking for directions
  • Asking for help

Grammar: Subject pronouns, possessive pronouns, nouns (masculine, feminine) adjectives, past and present tense.

How will I be taught?

The course will be taught using English transliteration with an introduction to the Arabic writing system (Arabic alphabet) and you will be able to read short sentences and road signs.

The teacher will provide all the materials for the course. He will use “Ahla wa sahla” a functional course in spoken Arabic.



14/03/2016 1:00 pm
19/04/2016 8:00 pm
Event Categories:

Arabic Language Courses

Arab British Centre are delighted to present the Arabic Language Courses September – November 2015!

14 September – 13 October:

Level 1 MSA | Level 2 MSA | Levantine Spoken Arabic Level 1

19 October – 17 November:

Level 2 MSA | Level 3 MSA | Levantine Spoken Arabic Level 2

5 week courses | 10 hours


The Arab British Centre Presents Arabic Language Courses for September – November 2015!

Our Arabic language classes are taught by Ibrahim Othman who has several years’ experience of teaching Arabic at a variety of levels, both in his native Syria and in the UK.

If you have any questions about which level is most suitable for you, or would like to sign up, feel free to drop us a line at

When calling or emailing us about these courses, please make sure to indicate which dates/times you wish to join (if applicable).

Our courses all cost £140 each. Your place on the course will only be confirmed on receipt of the course fee in full.

Please also note that we have a list of FAQs which can be found here.

Below is the list of courses being offered between September – November 2015.

Scroll down for further details on each course.

14 September – 13 October |5 week courses| 10 hours

Level 1 MSA


Mondays & Tuesdays

14 September – 13 October | 5 weeks | 10 hours

Course Fee: £140


Level 2 MSA

18:00 – 20:00


14 September – 12 October | 5 weeks | 10 hours

Course Fee: £140


Levantine Spoken Arabic Level 1

18:00 – 20:00


15 September – 13 October | 5 weeks | 10 hours

Course Fee: £140


19 October – 17 November | 5 week courses | 10 hours

Level 2 MSA

13:00 – 14:00

Mondays & Tuesdays

19 October – 17 November | 5 weeks | 10 hours

Course Fee: £140


Level 3 MSA

18:00 – 20:00


19 October – 16 November | 5 weeks | 10 hours

Course Fee: £140


Levantine Spoken Arabic Level 2

18:00 – 20:00


20 October – 17 November | 5 weeks | 10 hours

Course Fee: £140


Level 1 MSA

This course is designed to give absolute beginners in Arabic a basic competence in reading, listening, speaking and writing skills in a dynamic and communicative way, to converse in basic everyday situations in Arabic and also to introduce the written form of the language.


  • Your family, work, describing people and objects

  • Places and countries

  • Nationalities

  • Basic grammar, nouns, verbs, word order and numbers, starting to build up confidence in speaking Arabic

  • Background to Arab culture

Course entry and do I need any particular skills (who is it for)?

Suitable for complete beginners, also suitable for students who have attended a previous course in Arabic or have a basic knowledge of the language but who would like to start again from the beginning.

Level 2 MSA

The course is a progression from our Level 1 MSA course, designed for those with some previous experience of Arabic, who can recognise the Arabic alphabet and engage in basic conversation, but who lack a basic understanding of the grammar system. The course will consolidate the basics and cover descriptions, countries and people, nationalities, shopping, and using cultural expressions in a variety of contexts.


  • The past tense and present tenses in Arabic (regular and weak verbs)

  • Possessives, comparison, numbers with counted noun

  • Family, relations and friends

  • Preferences/likes/dislikes and hobbies

  • Expand knowledge of Arabic vocabulary

  • Arabic texts containing high frequency lexis and basic structures

  • Write a short personal text or letter about familiar subjects

Course entry and do I need any particular skills (who is it for)?

This course is suitable to those who have finished our level 1 MSA course, but it’s also suitable for students who have attended a previous course in Arabic and are able to read and write basic Arabic sentences.

How will I be taught?

The course is based on the communicative approach:

  • Active students’ interaction

  • Emphasis on speaking and listening skills

  • Paired and group work

  • Role playing

  • Use of pictures and authentic material

  • Use of audio-visual techniques when appropriate

Level 3 MSA

The course is a progression from our Level 2 MSA course, designed for those who have some knowledge of Arabic and can read and write Arabic. The course will consolidate the basics and reinforce old vocabulary by covering grammar, numbers, colours, descriptions, dialects, countries and people, and the use of cultural expressions in a variety of contexts. It will also cover more advanced grammar topics such as the subjunctive.


  • Day to day routine : Taking a taxi, exploring and using public transport

  • Visiting a city: This topic involves someone’s experience visiting a city and describing the visit.

  • Arab restaurants in London: describing Arabic food and Arabic culture

  • A trip to the Middle East:

  • Taking a taxi

  • Shopping in Cairo

  • Exploring new places

  • Asking for directions


  • Present tense

  • Past tense

  • Subjective phase 1

  • Adjectives

  • Broken plurals

Course entry and do I need any particular skills (who is it for)?

This course is suitable for those students who are able to read, write and make simple sentences in Arabic and understand the past tense at least.

How will I be taught?

The book that will be used for the course is Mastering Arabic 1 along with other resources such as:

  • Role play activities

  • Pair and group work

  • Use of poems, songs and pictures

  • Use of audio-visual techniques when appropriate

Levantine Spoken Arabic 1 (Dialect)

This is a Levantine Spoken Arabic course. The course is tailored to focus on speaking Arabic and it follows a communicative approach to language teaching.

Course entry and do I need any particular skills (who is it for)?

This course is aimed at students who have studied or know a little bit of Levantine Arabic (colloquial Syrian, Lebanese, Jordanian, Palestinian Arabic) and is suitable for those who are absolute beginners too.


  • Presentations, Introducing yourself, country of origin, etc

  • Daily conversations

  • Taking a taxi

  • Checking in a hotel

  • Eating out

  • Shopping

  • Asking for directions

  • Asking for help

Grammar: Subject pronouns, possessive pronouns, nouns (masculine, feminine) adjectives, past and present tense.

How will I be taught?

The course will be taught using English transliteration with an introduction to the Arabic writing system (Arabic alphabet) and you will be able to read short sentences and road signs.

The teacher will provide all the materials for the course. He will use “Ahla wa sahla” a functional course in spoken Arabic.

Levantine Spoken Arabic Level 2 (Dialect)

This course is a continuation of our Levantine Spoken Arabic Level 1 and develops all aspects of Arabic Language including speaking, pronunciation, listening, reading and writing. It’s suitable for those who have completed the Levantine Spoken Arabic Level 1 Course or who have prior/basic knowledge of Arabic. Students are expected to be able to understand and hold basic conversations in spoken Arabic.

This course will cover:

  • Speaking, pronunciation & listening – expressing opinions, covering more vocabulary on specific topics (below) starting from daily basis conversation and gradually become able to hold a more advanced conversation

  • Learning idiomatic phrases

  • More advanced grammar: present simple tense, present continues, the passive, the active participle, the subjunctive, faعlan adjectives form

  • Read and write Arabic script. Be able to read short sentences, road and transport signs


  • Conversation: we’re very hungry p.127

  • Function A: Counting things

  • Function B: Ordering at a restaurant, hotel

  • Function C&E: Expressing feelings and people

  • Functions B to E/Ch:5: Going out and shopping (food and clothes)

Teaching Method:

  • Interactive speaking method (communicative approach)

  • Grammar based

  • Translation and equivalence

  • Lessons will be supported with audio-visual materials when appropriate

What is required from participants?

  • Flashcards (to be used every session)

  • 3 coloured pens

  • 2 notebooks